Well we left Broome on our big adventure on the 11th of April. On the first day we stopped off at Willare Bridge to see the water right up. The water was flowing very fast still. We then travelled on to our first rest stop where Haydan had a bird come and eat rock melon right out of his hand!!!! On the second day we travelled to Mary Pool. We had to cross water to get to our campsite but it was worth it as we spent the afternoon in the nice cool flowing river. We could have stayed there longer but the prickles at the campsite did us in so we moved on. The next day we had a little trouble finding a place to camp as they were all closed due to all the rain that has been this up this way lately. However we found a camp and the next day we called into Glen's work where Laura did an underground tour. We then drove on to the Grotto near Wyndham where again we got to go for a swim. Glen and Haydan even sat under a waterfall!!!! We were then going to find one more campsite before heading into Wyndahm but again that didn't work out so we had a big drive to Wyndham. When we got here the kids were very tired so it was dinner and bed for us all. The drive so far has been amazing. There is still so much water on the side of the roads in places and there was still water on the road in places between Broome and Fitzroy Crossing. All I can say is Main Roads has a lot of work to do!!!!!

Leaving Broome
Emmalisa at Willare Bridge
Haydan and Glen feeding a bird
Kids swimming at Mary Pool
River Crossing
The waterfall at The Grotto that Glen and Haydan swam at
Next weeks adventures around Wyndham and off to Kununurra.
The coutnry side looks so different with all the water so you guys are very lucky to get to see it. I quite like Mary pool. Any cattle wandering through the campsite? Safe travels. Rose
ReplyDeleteHey Rose, Yep we had a few cows come visit us during the night. We didnt realise how close they were until we saw the foot prints the next morning right next to the caravan!!!!